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8 Points to Prevent Eye Strain


Computers and eyes don’t get along. While computers may be designed for nonstop work, that doesn’t mean that you should be like one too. Additionally, your eyes also need exercise, just the way the rest of your body needs it.



To protect your eyes from strain, first make sure that you monitor’s contrast, refresh rate, and height are properly adjusted. Once you’ve done that, try these eight tricks to keep your eyes healthy,

1. Take Breaks

Look away from your computer every half hour. Give your eyes a rest by gazing at a distant object. Better yet, physically get up and move around for five minutes.

Short, frequent breaks are better than long, infrequent breaks. Try 2-3 minutes every 15-20 minutes, 5 minutes every 30 minutes, or 10 minutes every hour.

2. Blink

Blinking is very important when working at a computer. It re-wets your eyes to prevent dryness and irritation.

Every 20 minutes, blink 10 times by closing your eyes as if falling asleep (very slowly). This will help rewet your eyes.

3. Strengthen Your Eyes

Eye strain is actually the strain of the muscles controlling the eyes. Strengthening these muscles with a series of eye exercises will go a long way to preventing eye strain.

Roll your eyes slowly side to side, up and own and on the diagonals. Repeat this three to five times, a couple of times each day.

4. Palm

Relax your eyes and nervous system with palming, a yogic technique said to preserve eye health.

Rub your hands together vigorously. Once your palms are hot from the friction, gently cup them over your eyes, overlapping your fingers on your forehead. Do not press on the eyes. Breathe deeply and relax for at least 30 seconds.

You’ll feel refreshed after doing this exercise for even a short time.

5. Reduce Glare

Reducing glare will dramatically reduce the strain on your eyes. Use non-reflective interfaces whenever possible. Like reading from paper instead of a computer screen. When you have to use a screen make sure it is at a 90 degree angle from any direct light source. Use indirect or reflective lighting whenever possible.

Try switching your monitor to a flat screen technology. They are not as reflective.

6. Magnify Text on Screen

One should ideally maintain a distance of 16 to 24 inches from a computer screen, depending on your eyesight and the size of the screen.

Magnifying text and images avoid eye strain from squinting, and for those with compromised vision, this can make reading much easier.

7. Adjust Contrast

Ensure there is good contrast with what you are looking at but reduce contrast for periphery. More contrast makes edges more discernible so the eyes don’t have to focus as much. But too much contrast with the surrounding area will cause strain through your peripheral vision.

Keep overall lighting levels at a moderate level so there is good contrast around you but glare does not become a problem. Use task lighting to aid eyesight at specific tasks.

Use glasses or sunglasses with polarized lenses as they increase contrast and cut down on glare.

8. Adjust Color

Use full spectrum lighting. Lighting, like sunlight, that covers the visual spectrum makes things easier to see.

Use a combination of florescent and incandescent lighting. Use full spectrum florescent bulbs. GE makes a bulb called “Reveal” that improves the color spectrum of incandescent bulbs dramatically.

I hope these useful tips will help you prevent and cope with computer induced eye-strain.