Sketch and doodles for an original and creative (web)design

There are those who keep calling them “scribbles” failing to recognize that often, behind some doodles and designs seemingly meaningless, lies a downright art. That’s what practically the “doodles” are: designs strictly made by hand. Elaborate complex figures, small caricatures, exclamation marks, darts, calligraphic fonts in “charcoal” style: the sort of images which are born, almost by chance, when you are inattentively playing with a pencil.
Thus, regardless of the rapid pace of technology and in spite of the powerful softwares currently on the market, this kind of art – fascinating only like a few can- requires only a piece of paper and a pencil. And lots of creative oomph.
You don’t believe, do you? I have chosen for you some designs in doodles style which, I am pretty sure, will leave you dumbfounded.
Doodles on paper
We said that the doodles are par excellence born on paper: notes on the margins of our schoolbooks, fractals on post-it during a casual conversation over the phone, splashes and stains without an apparent sense and which, who knowns how, have taken life on paper.
Doodles in web design
There are plenty of websites already (above all designer portfolios) which enrich the design of their layout with this type of graphics, in order to give a light and creative appearance as well as a realistic footprint to the design, which in this way directly originates from everyday life elements (the same reason why many prefer hand-drawn fonts instead of digital fonts). Personally I find this style very peculiar and fascinating, the reason why I am considering of making use of some doodles for a personal project of mine.
Recommended reading
If you are working on this style and you are in search of material to inspire you further, I recommend to go through these two amazing collections of doodles design:
If the doodles designed by you are not so attractive but you want to use this style in your next graphic project regardless of that, no worries: the web is full of ready made resources of a great aesthetic impact: brushes, dingbats, fonts, shapes in doodle style are waiting for you.
22 high quality doodle brushes sets
Deviant art doodle brush: set 1, set2, set3,
Fonts in doodle style